
About Us

Founded in 2003, İdeal Yaşam Alanları Co. Ltd. is active in areas of housing, urbanization, terrain-project development and urban transformation. Providing services on best use of real estate, planning and identifying projects as well as customer profiles and construction financing, İdeal Yaşam Alanları Co. Ltd. generates projects for investors all over the country including Istanbul.


Our Mission

To create smart, planned and valuable living spaces that shall increase quality of life and serve the needs of individual and social nature and dynamics with awareness on social responsibility.

Our Services

Purchasing land and real properties to create new settlement areas, planning and designing projects for them, conducting construction and credit facilities.Planning, projects, construction and credit actions for individual, corporal or company estates and lands.

Our Services

Our References

As acknowledging our contribution in various large projects may affect the result of existing and potential agreements between us and the companies we serve, or due to the consideration for confidentiality agreements signed before, we find it inconvenient to share most of our references.

Our References